Polish Women on Strike News reACT NOW! Kochani! Widzimy sie 23.10. o godz. 13.00 Warschauer Brücke pomiedzy U/S Przychodzimy ubrani na czarno! Mamy ze soba czarna parasolke! OCT 19: SUPPORT WOMEN’S STRIKE IN LATIN AMERICA OCT 19: SUPPORT WOMEN'S STRIKE IN LATIN AMERICA To participate, make a sign explaining the reason for your support Polnische Frauen – Streik – Runde 2. Find us! Protests around the globe! [googlemaps https://www.google.com/maps/d/embed?mid=1hdq4XA4hIRekXglZjI-J2v9cz8Y&w=640&h=480] « Previous 1 … 134 135 136 137 138 139 Next »