On Wednesday October 24th women in Iceland are planning to #WalkOutfrom work at 14:55 – the minute they stop being paid for their work due to the pay inequality accounting in Iceland for 26%.
Join Icelandic women to highlight gender earning gaps in your own country – there is not even one single country where women and men would be equally paid! Post a photo of you from your workplace, university, home with a paper saying:
24 October #WalkOut Iceland 14:55
or if you want to show the earnings gap in your country, go f.eg. for:
24 October #WalkOut Iceland 14:55
Poland #WalkOut 14:48
Note that in most countries you should #WalkOut earlier than in Iceland!
Women‘s protests in Iceland have driven social change, and have inspired women in other countries to take action since their historic strike in 1975 when 80% of Icelandic women left their workplace at 14:16 pm. They would #WalkOut again in 1985, 2005, 2010 and 2016. Even though Iceland has one of the lowest gender overall earnings gaps in the world (“only” 26%), it has not still reached full equality.
Check the gender overall earnings gaps in other countries (Eurostat, 2014):
ICELAND: 26% – #WalkOut at 14:55
POLAND: 31.5% – we should #WalkOut at 14.48
ITALY: 43.7% – #WalkOut at 13:30
BELGIUM: 31.1% – #WalkOut at 14:49
IRELAND: 36.8%
GERMANY: 45,2% – #WalkOut at 13:30
SPAIN: 35.7%
SWEDEN: 26.2%
EU (28 countries): 39,6%
/Full data: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/tgm/table.do?tab=table&init=1&language=en&pcode=teqges01&plugin=1/
We are looking for organisations and movements from all European and non-European countries who would like to join the action. Please contact us: lodzkiedziewuchy@gmail.com
Calculating the time of the Strike
The time of departure for women is calculated as the percentage of “income from work” that women get compared to men. Note: this is NOT the unexplained gender oay gap. We do not use the unexplained pay gap as it does not represent inequality in society. There are many variables which explain parts of the wage gap, for example women’s labor participation, women who work part-time work due to family and household responsibilities, gender segregation in the labor market (“women’s jobs” that get lower wages), power and influence (board members and managerial positions), longer absences from work due to childbirth, gender stereotyping, etc. Although these factors explain the wage gap, they do not justify women’s lower pay! The numbers we use in Iceland are tax statistics from Statistcs Iceland. They show that working women get 26% lower income from work than men. According to Icelandic law the working week is 40 hours.
To keep it simple we assume that the working day is 8 hours (8*60=480 minutes). Transferring that into the time women can leave is: (1-0,26)*480=355 which gives 5 hours and 55 minutes. In a working day from 9.00-17.00 that means that women leave at 14:55.
This is a bottom-down action started by the Icelandic women’s protests, and supported at the international level by activists from numerous countries, especially the Polish femnist activists who felt inspired by Iceland when planning their own strikes for women’s rights in 216.
Don’t Change Women, Change the World!
#WalkOut #WomenStrike #GenderEarningsGap #SafeAtWork
Icelandic women’s strike 2018 – Kvennafrí 2018:
FB: http://facebook.com/kvennafri
INSTA: kvennafri
TT: kvennafri
Together with other organisations and groups, Dziewuchy Berlin stand in solidarity!
Event hosted by: