Panelists: Hayriye Kaya |Kaos-GL, Turkey Sehnaz Kiymaz |Kadının İnsan Hakları -Yeni Çözümler Derneği, Turkey Monika Pacyfka Tichy | Lambda Szczecin, Poland Aleksandra Magryta | Federacja na rzecz Kobiet i Planowania Rodziny, Poland
The talk will be in English, translated to Polish and Turkish.
The discussion will be on zoom. Please register for access link:
Feminist / Queer Transnational Solidarity
All over the world, authoritarian, masculine, conservative and nationalist political governments are trying to strike a blow to the century-old fight for women and LGBTQI+’s rights. As Turkish, Polish and German feminists / queer activists we are bringing our solidarity beyond borders, against the patriarchy that is attacking the Istanbul Convention through pressure and threats. Together, we will create new methods to fight, through sharing of our experiences and ways of resistance in our countries.
You are invited to the online panel “Feminist / Queer Transnational Solidarity,” organised by: PUDUHEPA e.v ( and Dziewuchy Berlin (, that will be attended by feminists & LGBTI+ activists from Turkey and Poland.
Na całym świecie autorytarne, męskie, konserwatywne i nacjonalistyczne rządy polityczne próbują zadać cios stuletniej walce o prawa kobiet i osób LGBTQI+. Jako tureckie, polskie i niemieckie feministki / queerowe aktywistki przenosimy naszą solidarność poza granice, przeciwko patriarchatowi, który atakuje Konwencję Stambulską poprzez naciski i groźby. Razem stworzymy nowe metody walki, poprzez dzielenie się naszymi doświadczeniami i sposobami oporu w naszych krajach.
Zapraszamy na panel online “Feministyczna / Queerowa Solidarność Transgraniczna”, który organizują wspólnie PUDUHEPA e.v, i Dziewuchy Berlin, a w którym wezmą udział feministyczne i LGBTI+ aktywistki z Turcji i Polski.
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Feminist/ Queer Transnasyonel Dayanisma
Dünyanın her yerinde otoriter, eril, muhafazakar ve milliyetci siyasal iktidarlar, yüzyıllık kadın ve LGBTQI+ hak mücadelesine darbe vurmaya calismaktadir. İstanbul Sözleşmesi üzerinden baskı ve tehdit geliştiren ataerkilliğe karşı Türkiyeli, Polonyali ve Alman Feminist/queer aktivistler olarak dayanışmayı sınırların ötesine çekiyoruz! Ülke deneyimlerimizin, direniş biçimlerimizi paylasacak hep birlikte yeni mücadele yöntemlerini olusturacagiz! Puduhepa e.v ve Dziewuchy Berlin kooperasyonu ile Türkiye‘den ve Polonyadan kadın & LGBTİQ+ aktivistlerin katilacagi „Feminist/ Queer Transnasyonel Dayanisma “ Online Paneline davetlisiniz.
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Simultan ceviri yapilacaktir: İngilizce & Türkçe , İngilizce Lehçe Detayli program kayıt yaptıranlara iletilecektir. Kayıt:
Feministische / Queere Transnationale Solidarität
Überall auf der Welt versuchen autoritäre, männliche, konservative und nationalistische politische Regierungen, dem jahrhundertealten Kampf für die Rechte von Frauen und LGBTQI+ einen Schlag zu versetzen. Als türkische, polnische und deutsche Feministinnen/Queer-Aktivistinnen bringen wir unsere Solidarität über die Grenzen hinaus, gegen das Patriarchat, das die Istanbul-Konvention durch Druck und Drohungen angreift. Gemeinsam werden wir neue Methoden des Kampfes entwickeln, indem wir unsere Erfahrungen und Wege des Widerstandes in unseren Ländern teilen.
Sie sind eingeladen zum Online-Panel “Feminist / Queer Transnational Solidarity”, das PUDUHEPA e.v, und Dziewuchy Berlin gemeinsam organisieren und an dem feministische & LGBTI+-Aktivistinnen aus der Türkei und Polen teilnehmen werden.
Hayriye Kaya participated in Kaos GL as a volunteer, and since 2010 has been working as a professional. She is working as Refugee Rights Program Coordinator and is also one of the lawyers of Kaos GL. She is struggling against discrimination and hatred based on SOGIESC as a feminist lawyer and member of the LGBTI+ community.
Şehnaz Kıymaz Bahçeci received her BA in Biology and Sociology from Swarthmore College and her MA in Gender and Women’s Studies from METU. She has worked voluntarily and professionally in various positions at Women’s Human Rights-New Ways Association (KİH-YÇ) since 2004. Throughout her 16-year civil society experience, Şehnaz has had the chance to work as a non-formal instructor on women’s human rights and human rights and has taken part in national and international advocacy campaigns on gender equality and women’s human rights. She was the chairwoman of the executive board of Women’s Human Rights – New Ways Association between the years 2016 and 2018 and gave lectures on gender equality at Bilgi University between 2014 and 2018. Since April 2020, Şehnaz has been working as the coordinator of Women’s Major Group, a global feminist collective, and also provides independent consultancy to various feminist organizations.
Aleksandra Magryta – feminist and LGBT activist, antidiscrimination trainer, expert in countering violence against women and LGBT community, specialist in cyber violence. Currently coordinator of the coalition of the feminist organisations, the Great Coalition for Equality and Choice, also responsible for the advocacy in the reproductive rights organization, the Federation for Women and Family Planning in Poland. Member of Towarzystwo Edukacji Antydyskryminacyjnej (Association of the Education on Antidiscrimination).
Monika Pacyfka Tichy ia a rebel, activist, motorcyclist, feminist. Photographs, writes, travels. Loves (photo)reportage. Once a promoter of young racing talents, she left motorcycle sport when the Law and Justice party came to power and more important things had to be done: defending democracy and human rights in Poland. She devotes most of her energy to promoting acceptance and equality for LGBT+ people. She is the head of the Szczecin Lambda movement, organizer of the Pride Marches, and participant in almost all of the marches in Poland. She loves her Family of Choice (rainbow), the Woodstock Festival, “The Witcher” and the works of the Wachowski sisters. (Photo: Maciej Soja)
Tuğba Kiratli-Spriewald is a Sociologist from Turkey specialized in women* and refugee rights as well as societal movements in Turkey. There she worked for many years in local and international NGOs. In Berlin she co-founded with other activists the women* solidarity initiative PUDUHEPA e.V. and is one of its board’s co-speakers. Next to her freelancer work, Tuğba has moderated and spoke herself in panels, webinars and expert discussions on various topics like women* rights, migration and identity. Together with PUDUHEPA and other feminist migrant alliances she regularly organizes and supports demonstrations against patriarchy and femicides.
Anna Krenz is a Polish artist, architect and author living in Berlin. Since 2001, works for Danish Folkecenter for Renewable Energy. She is also an activist – she is the founder of the group Dziewuchy Berlin, an informal group of Polish activists, which since April 2, 2016 has been organizing demonstrations and actions (Czarny Protest 3.10.2016 or “Global Scream” 8.3.2019), in solidarity with women and LGBT+ community from Poland, Germany and worldwide. Krenz is originator of the International Council of Polish Women, initiated on March 8th, 2021. Lives in Berlin since 2003 with her son. (Photo: Dominic Dupont)